
JUN 2 - Unit 4 revision

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  • Vocabulary
    Look at the pictures or videos and choose the correct answer(s).
  • Grammar
    Choose or write the correct answer
  • We stayed in a hotel
    Where did you stay?
    Where did you stayed?
    Where do you stay?
    Where you stayed?
  • They _______ volleyball last weekend.
    not played
    didn't play
    played not
    didn't played
  • I bought a new T-shirt
    What did you bought?
    How did you buy?
    What did you buy?
    What bought you?
  • What type of movie is it?
    Love story
  • I ________ this morning because I was late.
    not took
    didn't take
    didn't took
  • He traveled on the bus.
    How did he travel?
    Where did he travel?
    Why did he travel?
    When did he travel?