
academy star 1

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  • What is this?
    a tail
  • Circle the correct sound and read.
    Teacher checks
  • got / They've. / feet / small
    They've got small feet.
  • Describe this animal.
    teacher checks
  • got / rabbits. / two / I've
    I've got two rabbits.
  • I am tall. Who am I?
  • I.... .... hands
    've got / have got 2
  • Complete for you: I've got____legs. 've got_____arms. I've got ____feet. I_______small ears. I _____a tail.
    Teacher check
  • It's a ....
  • Name your body parts.
    teacher checks
  • I .... eyes.
    've got / have got 2
  • a / haven't / long / They / got / tail.
    They haven't got a long tail.
  • Name all these body parts
    Teacher checks
  • have / four / They / legs. / got
    They have got four legs
  • Describe this cat.
    teacher checks
  • I've got long nose. Who am I?