
Phonograph/Peer Pressure Story Review

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  • Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Adam likes listening to the phonograph; _______, he does not like being in the cabin very much.
    as a result
  • Why does Adam decide to keep the phonograph a secret? Support your answer with evidence from the story.
    It is his escape from family tension
  • What is the passage "Peer Pressure Power" trying to persuade readers to do?
    To resist negative peer pressure
  • A person who is equal to another in abilities, age, or background
  • To hold in esteem or honor
  • Choose the best answer that completes the sentence. Peer pressure can be a bad thing; _______, it can also be a good thing.
    on the other hand
  • To make a low rumbling sound
  • What is an example of negative peer pressure mentioned in the passage?
    Friends trying to get you to smoke or drink
  • To influence or impel
  • Singing along to music
  • Peer pressure can be a good thing. What evidence from the passage supports this statement?
    Schuyler W. did not want to go camping, but his friends convinced him to, and he had a great time.
  • To regard with pleasure or approval
  • How does Adam's family feel about being on vacation at the beginning of the story?
    Julia and Adam's dad are excited; Adam and his mom are not excited.
  • To examine critically
  • What is the passage "Peer Pressure Power" mostly about?
    Peer pressure and how to handle it
  • Why might someone give in to peer pressure from friends?
    Because he or she is worried about losing those friends by saying no
  • How does Adam feel when listening to the phonograph?
    Calm, relaxed, comfortable
  • What large machine does Adam find in the cabin's attic?
    A phonograph
  • Read the following sentence: "He would vacation in the attic with the lovely old music and drift away to another time when he needed to." What does the phrase "drift away to another time" mean?
    Forget about the present by imagining the past.
  • What is the theme of "The Phonograph"?
    The importance of having a way to escape the troubles of your life.
  • Mental or emotional strain
  • Prepare or made up
  • What is peer pressure?
    The feeling that you need to do something because people similar to you are doing it.
  • Name 2 tips given in the passage for dealing with peer pressure.
    Blame your parents; find new friends
  • Far apart or apart in space
  • Adam's mom is not getting along with Adam's dad. What evidence from the story supports this statement?
    Adam's mom rolls her eyes after his dad says, "This is really going to be fabulous."
  • What does the word negative mean?
  • What is the climax in the story "The Phonograph"?
    Adam discovers a phonograph in the cabin's attic.
  • Where did Adam and his family go on vacation in "The Phonograph"?
    A cabin in a state park