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  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Floss your teeth.
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Brush your hair.
  • Name this food. Is it healthy or junk food?
    Fish. Healthy food
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Take a shower
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Don't use other people's personal objects.
  • Name this food. Is it healthy or junk food?
    Ice cream. Junk food
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Use a tissue when sneezing or coughing.
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Wash your hands after using the toilet
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Don't pick your nose
  • Name this drink. Is it healthy or junk drink?
    Soda. Junk
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Comb your hair.
  • Name this food. Is it healthy or junk food?
    Lettuce . Healthy food
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Wash your hands before eating.
  • Name this food. Is it healthy or junk food?
    Hot dog. Junk food
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Drink a lot of water
  • Name this drink. Is it healthy or junk drink?
    Lemonade. Healthy
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Don't bite your nails.
  • Name this food. Is it healthy or junk food?
    Beef. Healthy food
  • Name this food. Is it healthy or junk food?
    Orange. Healthy food
  • Name this hygiene habit:
    Brush your teeth