
Will and going to

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  • Can you tell me your secret? I swear I _______ tell it to anybody. (not)
    won't(promise to do)
  • Fiona ______ buy an mp3 player for her brother. She has saved enough money.
    is going to(planned)
  • Joseph _______ fly to Berlin next week. That's what he plans on doing, but he still needs to buy his tickets!
    is going to(planned, not arranged)
  • People ________ take food tablets instead of real food in 2040.
    will(far future)
  • I don't think the politicians _______ reach an agreement. They argue all the time!
    will(predict with personal opinion)
  • Peter _______ probably come home late tonight. It's his birthday!
    will(predict with personal opinion)
  • Don't worry! We _____ buy you a drink...
    will(offer to do sth.)
  • Simon and Emma _________ get married next September.
    are going to(planned, arranged)
  • Scientists say people ________ produce artifical organs by the year 2070
    will(far future)
  • I've got a ticket for the rock concert. I ______ be there tonight.
    am going to(planned, arranged)
  • Don't worry about the maths homework. I ________ help you.
    will(offer help)
  • I don't think my parents ______ give me permission to go to the school trip
    will(predict with personal opinion)
  • Harry ______ (not) enjoy the concert. It's classical music.
    won't(predict with personal experiences)
  • Hey, that woman is crossing the road at the red light. She ________ have an accident.
    is going to(predict with evidence)
  • She _______ study Economics at University after finishing high school.
    is going to(planned)
  • No, I _______ (not) let you eat my hamburger. You've already eaten yours. Stop trying to take my food!
    won't(agree to do)
  • Waiter: What would you like for a starter, sir?Man: I_______ have lentil soup, please.
    will(decided when talking)
  • OK. I _______ do the washing up for you this time.
    will(decided when talking)
  • Look at those fierce dogs! They're running wildly. They ________ attack that cat.
    are going to(predict with evidence)
  • __________ you open the window, please? It's hot and humid here in the classroom.
    Will(ask sb. to do sth.)
  • I think my mother _______ visit the dentist soon, because she has a terrible toothache!
    will(predict with personal opinion)
  • I ______ (not) buy that mobile phone. It's very expensive!
    am not going to(decided before talking)
  • We ________ have an English exam tomorrow morning. I have to study all night.
    are going to(planned, arranged)
  • A: Look at that woman over there. She is very fat. B: No, she has a big belly because she ______ have a baby.
    is going to(predict with evidence)
  • Can you lend me $100? I promise I _______ bring your money in five days.
  • "What's the plan for tomorrow morning?"- "Oh, we ______ visit the museum."
    are going to(planned, arranged)
  • Who do you think _______ win the tournament?
    will(predict with personal opinion)
  • "Stop or I _______ shoot you!" the security guard shouted.
    will(formal announcement)
  • "You _________ get some good news at the office this week." the fortune teller said to me.
    will(predict with personal opinion)
  • The doctor isn't here. OK...I ______ come back later.
    will(decided when talking)