
Present perfect and past perfect (simple and con ...

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  • Let's get started. We ....(WAIT) for over ten minutes.
    have been waiting
  • I hope you enjoy the meal. I ... (COOK) all afternoon.
    had been cooking
    has been cooking
    have been cooking
  • When I arrived to the party, my crush ....(ALREADY/LEAVE)
    had already left
  • You look familiar. ...we... (MEET) before?
    Have... met
  • Stella ... been talking about her trip for ages. I'm tired of listening to her.
  • By the time we arrived, our train...(LEAVE)
    had left
  • We are setting off tomorrow. We ...(PLAN) this trip for months.
    have been planning
  • The ski resort isn't ready for visitors. It ... (NOT SWOW) for days.
    hasn't snowed
  • Mark ... (TEACH) English in Bangkok for a year when he decided to blog full time.
    had been teaching
  • Much later, we realised that the airline ... been calling our names.
  • We ...(NOT SEE) him since 2010 until we finally met last year.
    hadn't seen
  • They missed their flight because they ... (NOT WAKE UP) in time.
    hadn't woken up
  • She ... (LOOK) for her ring all day when she finally found it.
    had been looking
  • This is my favourite shop. I .... (SHOP) for years.
    have been shopping
  • We ... been waiting for her for over an hour. Perhaps we should call her.
  • We .... (DRIVE) for hours and there's still no sign of a hotel.
    have been driving
  • Jane is traveling in the Far East. She .. (VISIT) three countries so far.
    has visited
  • Natalie is really excited about her trip to Scotland. She ... (NEVER/BE) there before.
    has never been