
Monarch Butterfly / Amazing Animals Video

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  • The life cycle starts with an e___, turns into a c_____, then a p____, then finally a b____.
    egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly
  • Most monarch butterflies live in _____, ______, and _____.
    North America, Central America, and South America
  • What plant does this butterfly start it's life on? (Starts with a M)
  • Monarch butterflies drink _______ . (starts with a N)
  • A Monarch is a type of _______.
  • A long trip some animals make at certain times of the year is ___ .
    Migration or Migrate
  • Monarch butterflies can migrate for
    only 10 miles
    100's of miles
    1,000's of miles
  • What 2 colors are most monarch butterflies?
    orange and black
  • Are caterpillars herbivores or carnivores?
    herbivores, they only eat plants!