
Cellular structure and function

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  • Molecules that have oppositely charged region
    Polar Molecules
  • are proteins in red blood cells that bind with oxygen.
  • are mixture that can react with acids or bases to keep the pH within a particular range
  • are molecules made from repeating units of identical or nearly identical compounds called monomers that are linked together by a series of covalent bonds
  • is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms
    The cell
  • Are also called organic compounds
  • He was the first to observe a living cell
    Anton Van leeuwenhoek
  • organisms with only one cell are called .........................
  • spider climbing the windows due to
    van dar waals force
  • what did robert hook use to observe the cell ................
  • What are the principles of the cell theory ?
    All living organisms are composed of one or more cells , Cells are the basic unit of structure of all living organisms , Cells arise only from previously existi
  • The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
  • uphill transport is called
    Active transport
  • provides structural support for the cell wall of plant cell
  • it exists in the hard-outer shells of shrimp, lobsters, and some insects
  • provides the starting point for other necessary lipids such as vitamin D and the hormones estrogen and testosterone
  • is another name for a homogeneous mixture
  • What kind of diffusion that substances uses transport proteins to move the substance across the plasma membrane
    Facilitated diffusion
  • What are the two kinds of transport protein
    carriers and channels
  • A cell was first discovered by
    Robert hook
  • kind of transport that diffuse down concentration gradient From (high) concentration to (low) concentration
    Passive transport
  • Energy is required for diffusion because the particles already are in motion ( T \ F )
  • adhesion property create
    capillaries action
  • ............................... are solid at room temperature
    Saturated ( مشبع ) fatty acid
  • The measure of concentration of H+ in a solution