
Places in town

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  • We want two tickets for the Phantom please
    In the theatre
  • Where can you find it?
    In the park
  • What is it?
    A supermarket
  • What is it?
    A bank
  • What is it?
    A museum
  • Where can you find it?
    In a hospital
  • Marta has a headache. She is buying some aspirins.
    She is in the chemist
  • What is it?
    A florist
  • I am very tired. I don´t want to run anymore.
    In the sports centre
  • They are having a picnic outside
    In the park
  • Lisa is borrowing a BOOK
    She is in the library
  • I need some cash
    In the bank
  • I want to dance all night
    In the disco
  • Marcos wants a croissant
    In the baker´s
  • Where can you get it?
    In a coffee shop