
Conquest of the Americas

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  • Which country established colonies in Canada and Louisiana?
  • What are FOUR REASONS why Europeans dominated the world?
    Eurasia, Food-Producers, Domesticated Animals, Greatest East-West Axis
  • Realizing that there are other cultures in the world, besides one's own is know as?
  • True or False- Britain easily took New Amsterdam from the Dutch
  • This conquistador conquered the Aztecs of Mexico
  • This explorer tried to reach India by sailing west in 1492
  • Why did countries seek to gain colonies?
    to gain wealth and power
  • This Conquistador conquered the Incas of Peru
  • What is a surplus?
    Having extra food; more than what is immediately needed
  • What was the Iroquois Confederacy?
    Created by the six Iroquois nations to unify and strengthen the people.
  • A rebirth of learning was known as the?
  • True or False- Cabral went off course and landed in Brazil, which he claimed for Spain
  • Italy became wealthy, by using large groups of people that move goods from place to place. This is called a?
  • What was the goal of the Conquistadores?
    get Gold and Colonies
  • This country claimed what is today New York and called it New Amsterdam
    The Netherlands
  • A focus on the state instead of religion is called?
  • Unlike many explorers, this man set up a productive relationship of trade with Native Americans
  • Why did early Americans cross the land bridge?
    They were following animals
  • What is a colony?
    A land controlled by another country for the purpose of power and wealth
  • This explorer made it to the Southern tip of Africa?
  • The widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human population, technology and ideas between Europe and the Americas during 1400's and 1500's was known as the?
    Columbian Exchange
  • The conquistadores came from which country?
  • What two continents make up Eurasia?
    Europe and Asia
  • Who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope to make it all the way to India?
    Da Gama
  • Who was responsible for Portugal becoming expert sailors?
    Prince Henry the Navigator
  • When one country controls an entire good or service is called a?
  • The Great Plains is (describe terrain and location)
    The flat, fertile land between the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains
  • What are domesticated animals?
    Animals that can be bred and used for human purposes.
  • The time period that brought Europe out of the dark ages
    The Crusades
  • What disease killed many Native Americans?
    Small Pox
  • A focus on the individual instead of the group?