
Jokes - At the office 1

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  • I started out with _____ and I still have _____ of it.
    nothing / most
  • The _____ with being punctual is that nobody’s there to ______ it.
    trouble / appreciate
  • My resumé is just a list of things I hope you never ______ me to _____.
    ask / do
  • My memory has gotten so bad I was afraid it would cause me to lose my ____. I’m still employed. I just can’t remember _____.
    job / where
  • A clean desk is a sign of a _______ desk drawer.
  • I asked the corporate wellness officer, “Can you teach me yoga?” He said, “How _______ are you?” I said, “I ___ ____ Tuesdays.”
    flexible / can't make
  • There is a new _____ in our office; everyone is putting names on their ______. I saw it today, while I was eating a ______ named Kevin.
    trend / food / sandwich
  • I’m great at multitasking. I can ____ time, be ___, and procrastinate all at ___.
    waste / unproductive / once.
  • I pretend to _____ as long as they pretend to ____ me.
    work / pay
  • I always tell new hires, don’t think of me as your _____, think of me as a friend who can ____you.
    boss / fire
  • ________ : someone whose _____ lies in ruins.
    Archaeologist / career
  • Nothing is _______ to a sufficiently _____ fool.
    foolproof / talented
  • ______ is what you get when you didn’t get what you _____.
    Experience / wanted
  • When an employment application asks who is to be notified in case of ______, I always write, “A very good ____”
    emergency / doctor
  • A ______ is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will ____ _____ to the trip.
    diplomat / look forward
  • Job interview question: "What do you think is your worst quality?" Interviewee: "I'm probably too honest." Interviewer: "That's not a bad thing. It's a good quality." Interviewee: "_ ___ ____ what you think."
    I don't care
  • I _____ I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted ______.
    thought / paychecks
  • ______ work never killed anyone, but why take the ______?
    Hard / chance
  • Some cause happiness ______ they go. Others _____ they go.
    wherever / whenever
  • To steal ideas from one person is ______. To steal from many is _____.
    plagiarism / research
  • The proper way to use a stress ball is to ______ it at the last person to _____ you.
    throw / upset
  • Many people quit looking for ____ when they find a ____.
    work / job
  • Progress is made by _____ people looking for an _____ way to do things.
    lazy / easier
  • I like work. It fascinates me. I ____ and ____ at it for hours.
    sit / look at
  • Artificial _____ is no match for natural ______
    intelligence / stupidity
  • I think they picked me for my _____ skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when I’m _____!
    motivational / around
  • _______ work is important; it helps to put the ________ on someone else.
    Team / blame
  • The human brain is a wonderful thing. It starts working the moment you are born, and never stops until you stand up to ___ ___ ____.
    speak in public
  • I get plenty of exercise – _____ to conclusions, _____ my luck, and dodging _____.
    jumping / pushing / deadlines