
GAME 1- Will,Won´t,Be going to.

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  • FAST- you have 1 minut to get an blue object
  • He has got the keys in his hand. He ___ open the door soon.
    is going to
  • Watch out! It ___ to fall!
    is going to
  • Make a sentence: Mars / we / spacestation / build
    We won't/will build a space station on Mars.
  • Drauzio Varella / cook / pasta
    Drauzio Varella is going to cook pasta.
  • TROL- draw your self in paint with your eyes closed
  • Discribe me
  • TROL- sing the Chicken Song song (
  • FAST- you have 1 minut to get an oranje object
  • We ___ write a test next lesson. Our teacher told me that.
    are going to
  • TROL- give me 10 jumping jacks
  • Friday. I / not have / a holiday this summer
    I'm not going to have a holiday this summer.
  • Can you make a prediction? Mary's phone was stolen.
    She's going to call the police.
  • FAST- get a transparent object in your home
  • Discribe me
  • Make a question and answer it: robots / in the future / look / us / after
    Will robots look after us in the future
  • TROL- sing the pepa pig song (
  • Make a question and answer it: you / be / one day / rich
    Will you be rich one day? Yes, I will. - No, I won't.
  • Make a sentence: travel / I / to Prague / on Monday
    I am going to travel to Prague on Monday.
  • I think that alliens ___ visit us in the future.
    will / will not / won't
  • Discribe me
  • What would you like to order? - I ___ have a salad.
  • The phone is ringing. "Mum, I ___ answer the phone"
  • I think that it ____ rain at the weekend.