
Break & Get Phrasal Verbs Review

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  • They ____ ____ their engagement after four years.
    broke off
  • It was a good meeting. I felt like I articulated myself well and I ___ all of my ideas ____.
    got all of my ideas across
  • We don't have time to get everything done today. We can ___ ___ with finalizing the scope of the project for today and continue working on the details tomorrow.
    get by with
  • I really dropped the ball. I hope they don't want to ____ ____ of me after all of this.
    get rid of
  • We've never worked with clients in that sector. How can we ___ ____ that industry?
    break into
  • He doesn't understand the importance of it and no one has been able to ____ ____ to him.
    get through to someone
  • They want to ____ the company ___ into smaller companies.
    break (something) up
  • The manager ____ ____ the assignment to help us understand it.
    broke down
  • After a few interruptions, it was time to ___ ___ with the meeting.
    get on with
  • Ugh, it's going to be such a waste of time. How do you think can I ___ ___ of tomorrow's meeting?
    get out
  • She ____ ____ from her father and now lives by herself.
    broke away
  • She ____ _____ and started crying.
    broke down
  • "Today is my birthday!" "____ ___ of here! I had no idea!"
    Get out of here
  • I can't believe she ___ ____ with using her design from a project she did in college.
    got away with
  • Oh, no! The computer ____ ____ again!
    broke down