
Celebrate Freedom!

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  • The Constitution made sure that no single branch of government could have too much power. What is this called?
    Checks and Balances
  • The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of __________?
  • True or False - George Washington signed the Consitution.
  • What branch of government is best represented by the courts and judges?
    Judicial Branch
  • What branch of government is best represented by the Senate and House of Representatives?
    Legislative Branch
  • What are the first 3 words of our Constitution?
    "We the People"
  • How old was Benjamin Franklin when he signed the Constitution?
    He was 81 years old.
  • Who is known as the Father of the Constitution?
    James Madison
  • What branch of government is best represented by the President of the United States?
    Executive Branch
  • How many delegates signed the document?
    In all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention, but only 39 actually signed it.