
Equinox, Axis, Solstice

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  • Summer Solstice is the longest ...
  • longest day & shortest night is ... solstice
    Summer Solstice
  • the Winter Solstice date is ...
    21st of December
  • in summer nights are ...
    short / shorter
  • the Summer Solstice date is ...
    21st of June
  • the Fall Equinox date is ...
    23rd of September
  • the Spring Equinox date is ...
    21st of March
  • in summer days are ...
    long / longer
  • it takes ... hours for the earth to finish one rotation
  • in winter nights are ...
    long / longer
  • Winter Solstice is the longest ...
  • in ... daytime and night-time are 12 hours long
  • longest night & shortest day is ... solstice
    Winter Solstice
  • ... is an imaginary straight line going from the North Pole to the South Pole.
  • one day is ... hours long
    24 Hours
  • in winter days are ...
    short / shorter