
Neolithic Period

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  • True or False? Stone Age humans completely stopped hunting and gathering by this time.
    True! They moved onto farming and agriculture!
  • Talk to your team - Give 1 reason why you think living in the Neolithic period would better than the other Stone Age periods.
    Well done!
  • Give 1 reason why Stone Age humans started to farm.
    The world started to get warmer! (Climate change)
  • True or False? The Neolithic Period began 3.3 million years ago.
    False! The Neolithic period began around 6,000 years ago.
  • Talk to your team: Put these in the order of which period came first: Mesolithic, Neolithic, Palaeolithic.
    Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic.
  • Chilli Challenge! What Age comes after the Stone Age? Is it the Iron Age or Bronze Age?
    Bronze Age!
  • True or False? People started to live in one place for longer because they didn't have to move around to find food any more.
    True! Because of farming, they needed to stay to take care of their farm so that they would have food.
  • Name 2 things they used to grow in Neolithic farms!
    Any from: Wheat, Rice, Lentils, Chickpeas
  • Did Stone Age humans still live in small groups and move around often OR did they start to live in bigger villages?
    They started to live in bigger villages!
  • What period came just before the Neolithic Period? The Paleolithic period or the Mesolithic period?
    Mesolithic Period!