
Chapter 1 - Consumer Math - Earning Money

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  • You receive your salary in biweekly paychecks. Over the course of the year, how many paychecks will you receive?
    26 paychecks
  • Pamela, who drives a cab, is paid $150 per week (5 work days). She averages $80 per day in tips. About how much does she earn per week?
    $550.00 for a 5 day week
  • You earn minimum wage for your current job. ($14.00 per hour). If you worked 47 hours this week (each hour over 40 hours is time and a half rate), how much would you earn total this week (regular pay plus overtime pay)?
    $560 regular wages + $147 over time = $707.00 total pay this week
  • Turn the percent into a decimal: 47%
  • Mr. Langston earned $17.50 per hour. What is his time and a half pay rate?
  • John's hourly rate is $15.50. Estimate his yearly salary using 2,000 hours worked for the year.
    $31,000 (gross wages) for the year
  • You earn a yearly salary of $53,750. How much will your weekly paychecks be (gross pay). Round to the nearest cent.
  • If George clocked in at 8:00 AM. Takes his unpaid lunch break from 12:00-12:30 PM, and finishes his shift at 5:30 PM, how many hours did he work total that day?
    9 hours total
  • Turn the percent into a decimal: 2%
  • You earn $72,500 salary. What amount will your biweekly (gross) pay be? Round to the closest cent.
  • Frank is paid $19.50 per hour. He worked 37.5 hours this week. How much will his gross pay be for this pay period?
  • True or False: All jobs will give you a raise within the first 6 months.
  • True/False: As of today, Connecticut's minimum wage is $14 per hour.
  • True or False: Working a Sunday shift is always time and a half pay.
    False - for some jobs - but not all jobs. Ask your boss! :)
  • Ms. Minto earned a time and a half rate of $22.50 per hour. She worked 4 hours of overtime this pay period. How much overtime pay will she earn?
  • You receive your salary in weekly paychecks, how many paychecks will you receive over the course of the year?
    52 paychecks
  • Name two deductions that might be taken out of your gross pay?
    Federal income tax, State income tax, social security tax, medicare, health insurance, retirement investments, union dues
  • Sue earns $25.75 per hour. Estimate her yearly gross wages using 2,000 hours worked for the year.
    $51,500.00 gross wages for the year
  • Robert worked 5 shifts this week. He worked a 4 hour shift, a 5 hour shift, a 7.5 hour shift, a 4 hour shift and a 6 hour shift. How many hours total did he work this week?
    26.5 hours total
  • After deductions are subtracted from your paycheck, what is the money amount you take home called?
    Net Pay
  • Jon waits on tables and is paid $6.75 an hour. In a 40-hour period, he earned #310.50 in tips. What were his total earnings?
  • Judy's new job pays $15.75 per hour. This week she worked 24 hours. How much did she earn (gross pay) for this pay period?
  • Jane clocked in at 9:00 AM. She takes her unpaid hour lunch from 11:30-12:30PM and clocks out for the day at 4:00 PM. How many hours total did she work that day?
    6 hours total
  • Name a career that might earn a commission?
    Real Estate Agent, Car sales person, Other Sales positions, Influencer/sponsorships, etc.