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  • What did the writer do to help Ikarus feel better and more confident about himself?
    He told the other kids to leave and said to Ikarus that his flying was beautiful.
  • Who is the author of this short story? A. Christoper Myers B. Christopher Columbus C. Chris Mayonaise
  • Why did the teacher complain about Ikarus' wings? ( 2 reasons)
    Because they blocked the blackboard and made the other kids not pay attention in class
  • What is the message of short story? A. There is no boy with wings in this real life. B. Friendship is the most important thing in life C. It's OK to be different from the other kids and be proud of who you are
  • What did the school kids whisper about the writer?
    They whispered about how quiet he was.
  • What did the other school kids whisper about Ikarus?
    They whispered about his wings, his hair and his shoes
  • Why did the writer says " I know how he felt..."?
    Because the writer knows how lonely Ikarus feels. The writer was also teased by his friends, so he know Ikarus' feeling.
  • Why does everyone think that Ikarus is strange? (Answer it in your own words)
    Because every where he goes, his proud,long, strong wings followed him
  • Where did the writer find Ikarus?
    On the edge of a building, with the pigeons
  • What is the name of the boy in the story? A. IKARUS B. ICARUS C. ECARUS
  • How do the other kids in school feel/think/react to Ikarus' wings?
    They were curious, they laughed at his wings, they teased him, etc.
  • What did the teacher ask Ikarus to do?
    He asked Ikarus to leave the classroom until he figured out what he should do with his wings.
  • Why did the policeman ask Ikarus to go down? A. Because he hated Ikarus B. Because he worries that Ikarus might get hurt C. Because the pilceman was in trouble
  • When the kids in the neigborhood saw the police officer yelling at Ikarus, what did they do?
    They exploded with laughter/ They laughed very hard