
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

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  • My favourite player __________________ (score) 7 goals in 10 matches so far.
    has scored
  • Have you _____________ been to New York?
  • Rozmawiasz z kolegą o świeżo przeczytanych książkach. Have you read / been reading Ken Follet’s latest book?
    Have you read
  • Wchodzisz do domu i widzisz swojego brata ubrudzonego farbą: Have you painted / been painting?
    been painting
  • Mark ____________________ (read) fifty books. That’s quite a lot!
    has read
  • I feel really tired. I _________________________ (shop) for Christmas gifts all morning.
    have been shopping
  • Good timing! I’ve ______________ finished my homework and I can go now.
  • Rozmawiasz z kolegami o najlepszym uczniu w klasie. He’s written / been writing a five-page essay!
    ’s written
  • I’ve ______________ told you the answer. You weren’t listening!
  • Tłumaczysz, dlaczego nie masz ochoty pójść do kina. I’ve seen / been seeing this film three times this year.
    I’ve seen
  • Dyskutujesz o swoim ulubionym zespole rockowym. They’ve played / been playing together since 2002.
    been playing
  • Dziwisz się, że ktoś dopiero dziś zauważył twoje nowe okulary. I’ve had / been having them for over two months.
  • I’m afraid I _______________________ (forget) your surname.
    have forgotten
  • Do you know how long they __________________ (go) out together?
    have been going
  • Georgia ______________________ (practise) yoga since she was 15 years old.
    has been practising
  • Jesteś zła/y, bo telefon koleżanki jest stale zajęty. I’ve tried / been trying to call her for more than an hour. And she’s still on the phone!
    been trying
  • We ______________________ (not/hear) from Barbara since April. Have you?
    haven't heard
  • She doesn’t know what to do – she _________________ (lose) her passport and all her money.
    has lost
  • She’s been working in the garden __________ 9 o’clock.
  • I haven’t spoken to him ____________.
  • Rozmawiasz z kolegą o swojej instruktorce ze szkoły tańca. I’ve had / been having classes with her since March.
    been having
  • We haven’t played basketball _________ years.