
Egzamin gimnazjalny/ egzamin ósmoklasisty

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  • (Ona nie widziała nikogo) here since Friday.
    She hasn't seen anybody
  • There should be (kilka) olives in the jar.
    some/ a few
  • You should enter the competition - (być może wygrasz).
    you may win /you might win
  • (Co robiłaś) yesterday at 7 p.m.?
    What were you doing
  • (Wszyscy lubią) our little cat.
    Everybody likes
  • We live (na czwartym piętrze) of a block of flats.
    on the fourth floor
  • You're lucky that (nie musisz iść) to bed early.
    you don't have to
  • This essay (nie jest wystarczająco długi).
    isn't long enough
  • Our newest model (kosztuje mniej niż) you think.
    costs less than
  • (Są dwa fotele) in the flat.
    There are two armachairs
  • (Nie było dużo) people at the concert.
    There weren't many
  • Why (byłeś nieobecny) last Friday
    were you absent
  • My parents (nie dają) me enough pocket money.
    don't give
  • (Chcę poszukać) a summer job this year.
    I want to look for/ I want to find
  • (Czy musimy zapłacić) for these tickets?
    Do we have to pay
  • It's OK. The train (jeszcze nie odjechał).
    hasn't left yet
  • (Jeśli Mark nie przyjedzie) soon, we'll go witout him.
    If Mark doesn't come/ arrive
  • (Uważam, że ) his last movie was awful.
    I think (that)
  • Do you know (ile to kosztuje)?
    how much it is
  • (Czy chciałbyś pożyczyć) my camera for your school trip?
    Would you like to borrow
  • We've got (za mało mleka).
    too little milk
  • These T-shirts (są takie tanie)!
    are so cheap
  • Would you like (coś do picia)?
    something to drink
  • (Mojej mamie nie podobają się) my clothes.
    My mum doesn't like
  • I can't concentrate because (jest za głośno) in here.
    it's too loud
  • I was embarrassed because (byłem ubrany w) jeans and everyone else had suits and ties on.
    I was wearing/ I was dressed in
  • (Mój brat uwielbia śpiewać) in the shower.
    My brother loves singing
  • What (szukasz)...? Your phone is on the table.
    are you looking for
  • What time (spotykasz się) John this afternoon?
    are you meeting
  • (Ile składników) do we need?
    How many ingredients
  • In the summer (zamierzam pracować) at an animal shelter.
    I'm going to work
  • (Co powinienem zrobić) about my annoying brother?
    What should I do
  • (Czy zdecydowałeś) what to wear to the party yet?
    Have you decided
  • My brother (nigdy nie ogląda) reality shows.
    never watches
  • I'm good at skiing but I'm (nie tak dobry jak) my brother.
    not as good as
  • (Jest trochę) cottage cheese on the table.
    There is some/ there is a little
  • (Nigdy nie jesteśmy) bored at school.
    We are never
  • I switched on my computer (aby przeczytać nowe) emails.
    to read new
  • I fell off my bike while (jechałam rowerem) to school.
    I was cycling
  • I haven't got a coat because (świeciło słońce) when I left home.
    the sun was shining
  • My sister (nienawidzi wstawać) early.
    hates gettin up
  • Tomorrow I'll go for a walk (jeśli nie będzie padało).
    if it doesn't rain
  • That's my (torba, nie twoja).
    bag, not yours
  • These T-shirts (są takie tanie)! Come on. Stop (patrzeć na siebie) in the mirror and hurry up.
    looking at yourself