
9 27 Vocabulary Review

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  • What does "merrily" mean?
    To do something happily, to do something with joy
    To be married
    To have a great many things
    To overcook something
  • What is the verb "star" mean?
    To be one of the main actors in a movie, play or TV show
    To look really hard at someone
    To mix up ingredients
    To rule over Russia before the communists
  • What is a "scheme"?
    A type of cat
    An object to place in front of a fire to block the heat
    A plan to get something done, can be slighly wicked
    A loud shout made when someone is scared
  • What is a "sitcom"?
    A command to sit down
    A tech company that makes charges
    A half-hour, funny TV show usually about families or work.
    A type of atomic particle
  • What does "depict" mean?
    To paint a picture
    To show something, to act something out
    To chop up a picture
    To take a picture off a wall
  • What is "luster" or "lustre"?
    To want a lot of money
    To be glowing, to shine
    A type of cleaning fluid
    To want to be in a relationship
  • What is a star?
    A type of fish
    A lead actor in the movies or on TV
    The skin after a wound heals
    A moving vehicle
  • What does"wintry" mean?
    To try to win
    To win a game
    To be like the winter, to be cold or snowing or icy
    The name of a mansion
  • What does "bewitched" mean?
    To be enchanted by, to have deep emotional feelings for
    To switch over
    To make a sandwich
    To become a witch
  • What does the idiom "to dump" mean?
    To put things in a pile
    To do a type of dance
    To ride on the back of a camel
    To cut off a romantic relationship in a harsh way
  • What is "to sparkle"?
    To do a type of dance
    To dive in the ocean with special equipment
    To reflect bits of light, to shine brightly
    To clean the house really well
  • What is "numerous"?
    The 40th Roman Emperor: Numerous the 1st
    Being numb, having no sensation
    Having a healthy glow
    Many, great in number
  • What does it mean to "air" something
    To be in someone's will
    To get a haircut
    Filll up a tire at the gas starion
    Show a program on TV
  • What does the idiom "Fall nips the air" mean?
    The colder weather in the Fall can be felt on your skin
    Fall means leaves float in the air off trees
    Fall causes hurricanes
  • What does "streaked" mean?
    To cross over a line
    To have lines of colors on or in something
    To have cooked a piece of meat
    To be stretched out
  • What does it mean to "mingle"?
    The feelings you get when you are excited
    To put boards up on the side of a house
    To be alone
    To mix in, to become part of something