
healthy habits and food

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  • mention 3 types of carbs
    cereal, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, pastries
  • nuts, oils, even avocado belongs to...
    fats (good fats)
  • from which group are milk and cheese?
    dairy products
  • healthy habit
    sleep at least 8 hours
  • healthy habit
    brush your teeth
  • mention 3 types of junk food you like
    burgers, hot dogs, soda, pastries, candies, sweets, ice cream...
  • yogurt belongs to...
  • Which food group you should eat less and under control?
    fats & sugar
  • person that don´t eat any animal product including dairy, and eggs
  • carrots, tomatoes, lettuce belong to...
    fruit and vegetables
  • healthy habit that helps you wake up entirely
    wash the face
  • take care of your skin is also important
    use skin care
  • healthy habit
    wear face mask
  • eggs belong to...
  • mention 3 types of meat
    beef, pork, chicken, fish, turkey, lamb, deer...
  • person that do not eat meat...
  • healthy habit
    comb the hair
  • these are the healthiest of all groups
    fruit and veggies
  • Which food group gives you energy but you should measure it.
    cabs (carbohydrates)
  • unscramble. nsvaitmi
  • you must have 3 liters of this...
  • Healthy habit. if we move is better.
    Do exercise
  • healthy habit
    take a shower
  • healthy habit
    use hand sanitizer
  • healthy habit
    wash your hands