
HSS - Q1 CFA Review

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  • Being knowledgeable about other cultures is called what?
    Cultural Competence
  • Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes furniture designer and farmer?
    Human Services in Food, Clothing, and Housing
  • Piaget's 1st stage (Sensorimotor) believes that toddlers communicate through language and symbols... True or False
    False. Sensorimotor means babies exploring the world through their senses.
  • Recognized associations that are formed to unite people engaged in the same industry.
    Professional Organizations
  • This is the process of adapting to another culture’s language, beliefs, and customs.
  • This is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be ignored, but instead should be maintained, valued, and respected.
  • In communication, the person who accepts the message from the sender?
  • Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes a hairdresser and a home care aid?
    Personal Care Services
  • How many stages are in Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development?
  • Which is earned after completing at least one year of study beyond a bachelor’s degree to become a school counselor?
    Master’s Degree
  • Which is a four-year degree you would need to become a Credit Counselor?
    Bachelor’s Degree
  • Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes a consumer advocate and a customer service representative?
    Consumer Services
  • What does Cognitive mean?
    Thinking or learning.
  • Which is a two-year degree you would need to become a Paramedic?
    Associate’s Degree
  • Humanist Psychologist that created the hierarchy of needs?
    Abraham Maslow
  • What is an entrepreneur?
    Someone who runs or owns their own buisness.
  • Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes adult daycare workers and social workers?
    Family and Community Services
  • What is the highest degree a person can earn and would need to become a Substance Abuse Counselor?
    Doctorate Degree
  • What involves opinions formed without sufficient knowledge?
  • In communication, the person who transmits a message to another person?
  • The repetition of behaviors when reinforced? (B.F. Skinner's Box)
    Operant Conditioning
  • Albert Bandura argued that people watch and imitate other's peoples behaviors. Who did his experiment involve?
    Bobo the Doll
  • Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes childcare workers and teachers?
    Early Childhood Development and Services
  • What is a document that formally defines the moral principles that serve as rules for behavior, which are to be followed and upheld?
    Code of Ethics
  • Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes a school counselor and a psychologist?
    Counseling and Mental Health Services
  • What are preconceived generalizations about certain groups of people?