
Future tenses

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  • Hurry up! The bus is leaving! You ... (MISS) it
    are going to miss
  • A: Do you like it? B: I ... it for you. (get)
    'll get
  • Look out of the window in a few minutes. We ... (FLY) over the Alps.
    will have flown
    will be flying
  • My flight has been delayed. It... (NOT LAND) until midnight.
    won't be landing
  • The traffic is horrible today. I think I ... (BE) late
    will be/I'll
  • Don't make so much noise! You ... (WAKE UP) my dad
    will have woken up
    will wake up
    are going to wake up
  • When you get off the train, I ... (WAIT) for you on the platform
    will have waited
    will wait
    will be waiting
  • I promise I ... (SPEAK) to her about it.
    am going to speak
    am speaking
    will speak
  • A: How late are we? B: Very! Half of the people ... (LEAVE) by the time we get there.
    will have left
  • By the time you arrive, I ... (COOK) something great and dinner will be on the table
    will have cooked
    will be cooking
    will cook
  • A: Can I drop in at about 11 pm? B: No, that's too late, I .... (sleep)
    will be sleeping
  • I have bought this paint because I ... (PAINT) the kitchen
    will paint
    am going to paint
    will have painted
  • A: Can we use the basketball court at 5.30? B: I think so. They ... probably ...their match by then. (finish)
    will have finished
  • A: I don't know how to use the camera B: Don't worry. I ... (SHOW) you
    will show / I'll show
  • Simon ... (BEGIN) his photography course next month.
    is going to begin
  • Andy's losing control of the surfboard. He ... (FALL OFF)!
    is going to fall
  • I don't think he ... (COME) tonight
    will come
  • When I finish school. I ...(TRAVEL) around the world
    am going to travel
    will travel
  • The film .... (START) at 20.00.
  • For the next few months, we ... (WORK) as much as possible to save up for a trip.
    am working
    will be working
    will work
    will have worked
  • What ... (DO) when you graduate?
    will you do
    are you going to do
    you going to do