
Let's do a review!

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  • When do we use past simple? Give an example :)
  • Name a word or an adverb you can use to talk about the present (Present Simple)
    Usually, often,etc
  • My sister is probably __________ (important) person in my life (superlative)
    the most important
  • John's under a lot of pressure. He _____ for his exams all month. (has been studying/ is studying)
    He has been studying
  • When do we use present perfect?
    When we talk about unfinished actions.
  • Talk about a plan next weekend
    Going to
  • (modals) When he was 40, he _______ speak six languages.
  • A: I'll never pass the exam. B:Don't worry, I ______ (am going to/will) help you prepare it.
  • (articles) Columbus was one of ____first people to cross ____ Atlantic.
  • (modal verbs) You _______ cigarettes in British Columbia unless you are 19 years of age. That is the law
  • When do we use past simple? explain and give an example
    When we talk about finished actions in the past
  • When do we use Present perfect continuous? can you give us an example?
  • When I arrived at the restaurant, Victoria _________a glass of water (already/to order) - Past perfect
    had already ordered
  • Give an example using Past perfect :)
  • When do we use Present Continuous?
    When talking about an action happening right now or currently in our lives.
  • I have just had ____ idea (articles)
  • You _______ be an expert to use the functions of a new program.
    have to
  • In her job, she usually ______(work) with fundraising projects and advertising.
  • (Past simple or continuous?) We ____ the research together last time. (do)
  • (articles) It's ___ long way by train to ___ South of France.
  • I__________(not earn) much last year, but I______ (earn) a lot this year.
    Didn't earn/ I 've earned
  • (Past simple or continuous?)At 6 pm last Sunday, I ______ to my aunt. (speak)
    was speaking
  • He looks very pale and confused. He will/ is going to faint.
    He is going to faint
  • Make a sentence with the following prompts: house/apartment/big/
    This house is as big as that apartment.
  • (modals)We went to bed right after dinner because we ________ get up early the following day.
    had to
  • These days, more and more people ______ (read) and ______(watch) videos online.
    are watching and reading
  • You have just arrived home. Make an instant decision.
  • correct or incorrect? Your dog is so friendlier than my one.