
House idioms

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  • take a lot of things when you go somewhere
    take everything but the kitchen sink
  • deceive someone
    lead someone up the garden path
  • ram something home
    make a point forcefully
  • home truth
    an uncomfortable fact
  • home from home
    a place that is as comfortable as your home
  • home in on
    become closer to your target
  • be home and dry
    succeed at something and not expect any further problems
  • be home and dry
    succeed at something and not expect any further problems
  • get on well with someone
    get on like a house on fire
  • manage to buy your first house so that you can buy a bigger one later
    get a foot on the housing ladder
  • have impossible dreams or plans
    build castles in the air
  • very safe
    safe as houses
  • tidy up your own affairs before criticising other people's
    get your own house in order
  • have an unpleasant secret
    have a skeleton in the cupboard/ in the closet
  • make yourself at home
    make yourself comfortable
  • be free ( in a restaurant)
    be on the house
  • there's no place like home
    home is the best place
  • eat a lot of food
    eat someone out of house and home
  • have somewhere to live
    have a roof over your head
  • give space in your house to st
    give house room to
  • waste money
    throw money down the drain