
Tourism Unit 1

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  • Show me some cash
  • Read this number: $76.849
    seventy six thounsand eight hundred and forty-nine dollars
  • Sing a traditional song
  • Sing a song in English
  • what's today's date?
  • How are you today? (each person a different answer)
    I'm delighted to be with you!
  • name 5 types of accommodation
    hotel, hostel, motel, resort, cruise, motorhome, B&B ...
  • What's the date?
    29th October 2013
  • Name 3 types of non-catered accommodation
    motorhome, flat, AirB&B, campsite...
  • What's the email address:
  • Name 3 types of catered accommodation
    hotel, hostel, B&B, cruise, resort ...
  • name 3 types of board
    half board, full board, bed and breakfast, all inclusive, self catered...
  • Read this number: 93.268€
    ninety three thounsand two hundred and sixty-eight euros
  • You're working at Sunnyside Travel Agency. How do you answer the phone?
    Sunnyside Travel Agency, good morning, XX speaking. How can I help you?
  • What's the date?
    5th January 2010
  • show me your ID
  • Show me a credit card
  • Name 5 parts of a city that are interesting for a tourist
    Museum, landmark, gallery, park, church, cathedral, restaurant, theatre etc