
Tense revision

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  • A: Can we use the basketball court at 5.30? B: I think so. They ... probably ...their match by then. (finish)
    will have finished
  • At this time tomorrow, you ..... in front of the class. (speak)
    will be speaking
  • A: Has he found a job yet? B: No, although he ... one since she finished school. (look for)
    has been looking for
  • While the teacher ... the homework, the students ... carefully. ( explain / listen )
    was explaining / were listening
  • A: Can I drop in at about 11 pm? B: No, that's too late, I .... (sleep)
    will be sleeping
  • We are tired. We ... for the exam all day. (study)
    have been studying
  • A: Do you like curry? B: I don't know. I ...never (try)
    have never tried
  • Don't worry, I ... you. (help)
    will help
  • She ... in the queue when I ... her. ( wait / see)
    was waiting / saw
  • I'm sure you....the film. (enjoy)
    will enjoy
  • The film .... at 20.00. (start)
  • We.... in school since 8.15. (be)
    have been
  • She .... in the kitchen. (study)
  • What language ....those girls ...? Is it Portuguese? (speak)
    are speaking
  • I ....vegetables when I hurt myself with the knife. (cut)
    was cutting
  • We ...each other for over 10 years. (know)
    have known
  • They were very tired. They..... home from work and bed. (come/go)
    came / went
  • How many languages ....? (speak)
    do you speak
  • They ... the shop before you arrive. (close)
    had closed
  • I realised that I...already... the film. (see)
    have already seen
  • A: How late are we? B: Very! Half of the people the time we get there. (leave)
    will have left
  • I'm cold. I ....outside in the rain all morning. (stand)
    have been standing
  • At this time next month , we.. to London. (fly)
    will be flying
  • I'm sorry. I can't talk know. I .... for the exam. (study)
    am studying
  • ....your project tomorrow? (start)
    Are... starting