
Chapter 3 and 4

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  • What color were the fences in Munchkin land?
    The Fences were blue
  • What did the Scarecrow do that surprised Dorothy?
    Winked at her
  • What was the cottage made of?
    Logs and branches
  • What is inside the scarecrow?
  • Why was the scarecrow put in the field?
    To scare away crows from the corn.
  • Why did the Munchkins bow to Dorothy when she walked by?
    Because she killed the Wicked Witch
  • Where is Dorothy going?
    The city of Emeralds
  • How does Dorothy feel about Kansas?
    She loves it and misses it.
  • What does the Scarecrow want?
    A brain
  • What is the Scarecrow afraid of?
    A lit match
  • Where did Dorothy put the Key?
    In her pocket