
100 Interactive Topic 19-24 Review

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  • What is a troll?
    in social media, a troll is a person who deliberately starts arguments in the comments sections of sites.
  • Is it common for men and women to have the same jobs in your country?
  • What would your ideal house or apartment look like?
  • What is your attitude to smoking?
  • What are some privacy concerns when using Facebook?
  • This means to be invited to attend an interview
    to be called for an interview
  • Why do many people try to have a healthy life style?
  • What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
  • Where is your favorite shopping area?
  • He or she is someone you’re connected to on Facebook.
  • These are are responses to status updates, pictures, and so on.
  • It means in good health
  • What is occupation?
    It is a job or profession.
  • Do you agree that ‘home is where the heart is’?
  • How is your home different from your childhood home?
  • This means to have your own business.
    To be your own boss
  • This means to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable
  • What makes you enjoy shopping?
  • It is an image on the top of your timeline that is intended to be expressive of who you are.
    Cover Photo
  • What is unhealthy?
    It is harmful to health
  • What does "household chore" mean?
    These are tasks such as cleaning , washing , and ironing that have to be done regularly at home
  • Which do you prefer, large stores or small stores?
  • Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle
  • Does your name have a meaning?