
Market Revolution and Manifest Destiny

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  • As more White settlers moved west, what happened to the area known as the "middle ground?"
    It moved west.
  • What limitations did wagons have for transportation?
    They were slow and expensive.
  • Which Indian tribe was slaughtered in the Black Hawk War?
    The Sauk
  • What infrastructure led to New York becoming the US's most important city?
    The Erie Canal
  • Who was the US Colonel who occupied Santa Fe?
    Colonel Stephen Kearny
  • Which territory did President Thomas Jefferson buy that doubled the size of the US?
    The Louisiana Territory
  • Who was the Mexican general (and president) who led the fight against the Americans in Texas?
    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
  • Which state did Andrew Jackson conquer from Spain (and the Seminole Indians)?
  • What improved for ordinary Americans during the 19th century?
    standard of living
  • What treaty was Mexico forced to sign to end the US-Mexican War?
    The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
  • What aspect of slavery was illegal by the 1830s?
    The direct importation of slaves from Africa.
  • What is the majority religion in Mexico?
    Roman Catholicism
  • Which states were formed from the territory stolen from Mexico?
    New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California
  • Who led the Mormons to settle Utah?
    Brigham Young
  • Who was the founder of the Mormon religion?
    Joseph Smith
  • What did the North have much more of than the the South by the 1850s?
  • What form of property did Mexicans resent American settlers bringing to Texas?
  • Who invented Morse Code?
    Samuel Morse
  • What event created the diversity of the population in California?
    The Gold Rush
  • Within the US, conflicts over what delayed the admission of Texas to the union?
    the balance between free and slave states
  • What was the first independent, Black republic in the world?
  • Which treaty was supposed to give Native American control of the Central Plains?
    The Treaty of Fort Laramie
  • What invention did the work of five laborers on a farm?
    The mechanical reaper
  • What machinery made it possible for riverboats to go upstream?
    the steam engine
  • Which California port city was James Polk most anxious to acquire?
    San Francisco
  • What is the name of the Texas fort which the Mexican Army conquered?
    The Alamo
  • Which companies were the first modern corporations?
  • What were empresarios of Texas?
    land agents (real estate)
  • What US product earned the most in foreign trade during the Antebellum period?
  • Who was the US general who led an army into a disputed border region igniting the US-Mexico War?
    Zachary Taylor
  • What advantages did railroads offer over canals?
  • What do you call someone who opens their own business?
  • Who invented the steel plow?
    John Deere
  • Which section of the US supported the Mexican-American War the least?
  • Which invention made the institution of slavery wildly profitable in the US?
    The cotton gin
  • What economic system is controlled by, and profits, private individuals and corporations?
  • Who led the US Army in its occupation of Mexico City?
    General Winfield Scott
  • Who was arguably the most effective US President after Washington before the Civil War?
    James Knox Polk
  • What did the slogan "54-40 or fight" refer to?
    the northern boundary of the Oregon Territory
  • What did John C. Fremont name the (briefly) independent State of California?
    The Bear Flag Republic