
Elementary unit 9

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  • Apologise, make excuse and say how you feel to your boss for being late.
    I'm sorry I'm late... I feel
  • Complete the sentence: as a single person, you can/have to date multiple people.
  • Complete the description: a traffic jam is a p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enviroment.
  • What's this?
    Cruise ship
  • Say two adjectives to describe this situation.
    Crowded, noisy
  • What's the opposite of dangerous?
  • Complete with the correct article: I love seeing when ___ sun rises in the morning.
  • Complete with the correct article: There's ___ accident around the corner!
  • Say three adjectives to describe this situation.
    Sad, cloudy, gloomy
  • Say an obligation you have as an adult.
    You have to
  • Complete the sentence: You can't/don't have to check your phone while driving.
  • You can go by ___
    Bus, foot, plane, train
  • Complete the description: My cabin is a g _ _ _ _ space!
  • You can take ___
    A bus, taxi...
  • Complete with the correct article: ___ public transport in my city is the worst!
  • Complete the sentence: kids don't have to/have to stay in school. It's their only duty
    Have to
  • Complete with the correct article: ___ people usually text and drive.
    No article
  • Complete with the correct article: ___ motorbike is more dangerous than ___ cars.
    A/no article
  • Apologise and nake an excuse for being late to your husband/wife
    I'm terribly sorry... I was/I had...
  • You can get on and off ___
    A bus, car, train, plane
  • Say something that's not permitted at your house.
    You can't...
  • What's the opposite of convenient?
  • What's this?
    Lorry truck
  • Complete the phrase: you ride ___
    A bike, scooter, horse