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  • What is the stimuli, the plural of stimulus?
    a stimulus is a signal that can lead to a response in the body.
  • In animals, large food molecules are broken down into smaller molecules during ______.
  • A _____ is a group of similar, specialized cells.
  • What are the full steps of sensory processing?
    stimulus -> sensing and transmission -> processing -> response
  • _____ _____ are cells or cell parts that detect signals from the environment.
    Sensory receptors
  • ______ ______ is a series of chemical reactions that rearrange atoms in food molecules, releasing usable energy.
    Cellular respiration
  • Formulate the overall equation for cellular respiration.
    C6H12O6 + 6 O2 -> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
  • What is an organelle that contains a cell’s genes?
  • The energy from sunlight is used to rearrange atoms in oxygen and carbon dioxide to make water and sugars. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. The energy from sunlight is used to rearrange atoms in carbon dioxide and water to make oxygen and sugars.
  • Animals can also help with ____ _____ or the movement of seeds away from a parent plant.
    seed dispersal
  • An _____ is made up of multiple types of tissues.
  • What is an ecosystem?
    An ecosystem is all of the organisms in an area plus the nonliving parts of their environment.
  • _____ are animals that assist flowering plants to reproduce through pollination.
  • Many food molecules are broken down into ______, a simple sugar. Used in cellular respiration.
  • A cell’s ______ work alone and together to keep the whole cell functioning.
  • If a plant cell’s chloroplasts stopped working, what would happen to the cell?
    The cell wouldn't be able to make sugars via photosynthesis
  • ______ give plants green color
  • An organism’s traits depend on both its _____ and its _____.
    genes and environment
  • What is the first step of sensory processing?
    Sensory receptors detect signals from the environment.
  • What are the living things called?
  • What is the transfer of pollen from male to female flower parts?
  • In sexual reproduction, mating results in _____, and the production of offspring.
  • Organisms interact with only living parts of their ecosystem, not nonliving parts. Organisms depend on these interactions in order to survive and have offspring. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. Organisms interact with both living and nonliving parts of their ecosystem. Organisms depend on these interactions in order to survive and have offspring
  • During ______, one cell grows and splits into two.
    cell division
  • The brain is a tissue that is made up of a group of cells. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. The brain is an organ that is made up of multiple types of tissues.
  • Many plants have special features to attract pollinators. Give some examples
    - A flower’s scent may attract pollinators. - Many flowers use colors to attract insects
  • What is the last step of sensory processing?
    The brain triggers a response and stores a memory.
  • Chloroplasts make sugars through ______
  • Genes can affect how an organism grows, any influence of genes is called an environmental factor. TRUE or FALSE
  • An animal that has less surviving offspring likely has a higher reproductive success. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. An animal that has more surviving offspring likely has a higher reproductive success.
  • Multicellular organisms are made up of one cell. TRUE or FALSE?
    FALSE. Unicellular organisms are made up of one cell.
  • _____ is the process of making new organisms.
  • Some behaviors increase the chance that offspring will survive and be able to reproduce. These include _____ and _____ young offspring.
    protecting and feeding
  • Which system helps humans and other animals sense and respond to their environments?
    Nervous system
  • The cell membrane surrounds a cell’s ______, which is a jelly-like substance containing the cell’s parts.
  • Seed dispersal increases the chance that the seed will grow in an area with plenty of resources. TRUE or FALSE
  • What are the organisms made up of many cells?
  • An _____ is a group of organs that work together to carry out complex tasks in the body.
    organ system
  • What is a community?
    A community is a group of different species living in the same area.
  • Many plants have special features to help with seed dispersal. Give some examples
    - Some seeds have structures that help them stick to an animal’s fur
  • What do animal cells and plant cells have in common?
    They both have cell membrane, cytosol, nucleus and mitochondria
  • The environment also affects how an organism grows, any influence of the environment is called an ______ ______.
    environmental factor
  • The sugars can provide _____ _____. This energy can be used by the organism to live and grow. The sugars can also be used to build the organism’s structures
    chemical energy
  • In plant cells, ______ provides the structure for the cell.
    the cell wall
  • Photosynthesis is usually carried out in _______.
  • Glucose and oxygen are outputs of cellular respiration. Carbon dioxide and water are inputs. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. Glucose and oxygen are inputs of cellular respiration. Carbon dioxide and water are outputs.
  • ______ are organelles that break down sugars. This process releases energy that the cell can use.
  • Chloroplasts are where _____ takes place.
  • The offspring have a mix of genes from both parents.
    sexual reproduction
  • _____ and _____ are outputs of photosynthesis.
    Oxygen and sugars
  • Plant cells have _____ and  __ _____ _____, but animal cells do not.
    chloroplasts and a cell wall
  • In ____ ______, an animal typically mates with an individual of the opposite sex.
    sexual reproduction
  • The ______ break down the sugars, releasing the cell's energy to stay alive.
  • During _____ _______, two parents produce offspring.
    sexual reproduction
  • Information from sensory receptors is transmitted or passed along, ____ ____ to the ____
    nerve cells / brain
  • Photosynthesis is powered by energy from ______.
  • List things that are made up of cells?
    - A worm - A human - A lotus tree ...
  • An animal’s ______ ____ is related to the number of offspring it has during its life.
    reproductive success
  • _____ make up the hereditary material inside an organism’s cells.
  • Chloroplasts are cell structures that contain molecules called _____.
  • ______ provide information about an organism’s traits.
  • What senses are the results of the detection of electromagnetic stimuli?
  • Cells in human body have _____ _____ and _____
    unique structures and functions
  • When pollinators feed on flowers, they transfer pollen from female to male flower parts. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. When pollinators feed on flowers, they transfer pollen from male to female flower parts.
  • Some important food molecules are _____, _____, and _____. These all contain carbon atoms.
    fats, proteins, and sugars.
  • The human body is made up of one organ system. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. The human body is made up of multiple organ systems.
  • Dispersed seeds are more likely than non-dispersed seeds to grow into new plants and survive. TRUE or FALSE
  • What senses are the results of the detection of mechanical stimuli?
  • What are the organism’s environment include?
    Temperature, light, food, water
  • An ______ ______ is all the things the organism is exposed to as it lives and grows.
    organism’s environment
  • All cells have a ______ that separates the inside and the outside of the cell
    cell membrane
  • Parent organisms reproduce to make _____.
  • During _____ _______, a single parent produces offspring.
    asexual reproduction
  • What are the functions of cells?
    - Taking up nutrients and water - Getting rid of waste - Getting and using energy - Interacting with the environment.
  • If the cell wall stopped working, what would happen to the cell?
    The cell would lose its rigid shape.
  • What are organelles that carry out photosynthesis?
  • The plant cell wall is outside the ______
    cell membrane
  • In multicellular organisms, the steps of cellular respiration occur in the _____ and the _____
    cytosol and mitochondria
  • The ______ is responsible for providing structure and support to plant cells.
    cell wall
  • The offspring have the same genes, and therefore the same inherited traits, as the parent.
    asexual reproduction
  • Existing cells are required for new cells to form. TRUE or FALSE
  • All organisms are made up of ______
  • Chlorophyll helps capture light energy. TRUE or FALSE
  • Offspring have a different set of traits compared to either parent.
    sexual reproduction
  • Cells contain parts called ______
  • Some behaviors increase the chance of producing offspring. These include ____ ___ ____ ____.
    displays that attract mates.
  • New cells are made through a process called ______
    cell division
  • Mitochondria control what goes in and comes out. TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE. Cell membrane controls what goes in and comes out.
  • What senses are the results of the detection of chemical stimuli?
    taste and smell
  • Certain _____ _____ can help increase a plant’s reproductive success
    animal behaviors
  • What is the second step of sensory processing?
    Information from receptors is passed along nerve cells to the brain where the information is organized.
  • What is a population?
    A population is a group of the same species living in the same area.
  • Many organisms make their own food through _______. Ex: Plants, algae, and some unicellular organisms
  • What does the organelles make sugar that plant cells need to live?