
Countries and Flags

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  • Which shape is most commonly found on flags?
  • Fill in the blank: Most of the world's flags ______'_ _____  ___. 
    arent that old
  • What does green mean in flags?
    Agriculture, Safety, Youth, Hope, Fertility
  • What does blue mean in flags?
    Liberty, Truth, Loyalty, Justice
  • Name 5 shapes you will commonly find on flags?
    Stars, Shields, Suns, Crescent Moons, Crosses
  • How many flags exist in the world?
  • Explain the meanings on the Korean Flag
    See picture
  • How many colours will you find on most flags?
    three to four
  • Name another country that has a flag that dates back more than 200 years.
  • What does red mean in flags?
    Revolution, Courage, Power
  • What does white mean in flags?
    Peace, Purity, Innocence
  • Name a country that has a flag that dates back more than 200 years.
  • How many national flags are there in the UN (United Nations)?
  • What other symbol might you find on a flag?
  • What colour won't you find on a flag?
  • What is the most popular colour combination on flags?
    Red, White and Blue
  • What does orange men in flags?
    Bravery, Sacrifice
  • Name the country.
  • What do the colours mean in the Ukraine's flag?
    Blue: The sky, streams, and mountains of Ukraine. Yellow: Ukraine's golden wheat fields and the richness of the earth
  • Fill in the blank: most flags were adopted in the past ______ years.