
Thank You Ma'am

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  • To "Turn someone loose" means...
    To let someone go, release someone.
  • Why did Roger offer to go to the store for Ms. Jones?
    He wanted to show her that she can trust him.
  • What is "willow wild?
    Small, frail, weak.
  • When Ms. Jones asks, "If I turn you loose, will you run," what was Roger's answer?
  • Why does Roger lose his balance when he tries to steal Mrs.Jones purse?
    The strap broke, the bag was heavy, Roger was weak, etec.
  • What were Ms. Jones' last words to the boy?
    "Good night! Behave yourself, boy!"
  • What time of day does this story take place?
    Late at night (11 pm)
  • What is Mrs. Jones' 1st reaction to Roger's attempt to steal her purse?
    She was angry, she kicked him, picked him up and shook him, etc.
  • Say two good things that the woman did to the boy.
    Took him home, fed him, gave him money, gave him advice
  • Name two types of food Ms. Jones gave Roger when they went in her home?
    Lima beans, ham, cocoa, ten-cent cake.
  • How does the boy's character change from the beginning to the end of the story?
    He was a selfish thief at the beginning, then he became a considerate, grateful person.
  • Describe the woman.
    She was a large woman. She was kind-hearted.
  • When Mrs. Jones brings Roger home, what does he first fear she will do?
    Give him to the police.
  • Is the woman dynamic or static? Why?
    Dynamic because her behavior changed. First she was harsh, then she was kind.
  • Why does Roger sit on the far side of the room when Mrs. Jones goes to the kitchenette?
    He wants her to see he is not taking anything from her purse.
  • What did Roger want to do with the money?
    Buy blue suede shoes
  • What is the theme of the story?
    Any of these: kindness, compassion, poverty, learning opportunities come unexpectedly, we reap what we sow, etc.
  • What did the boy say before he left Ms. Jones' home?
    Thank You