
Frontrunner 4 Unit 1 + 2 Review

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  • Fill in the gap with a dterminer: Only a ____ boys like soccer.
    Only a few boys like soccer.
  • If she _____ too quickly, she ____ ____somebody. (skate, hit)
    if she skates too quickly, she'll hit somebody.
  • Fill in the gap with a determiner: It’s okay to arrive __ _____ minutes early.
    It’s okay to arrive a few minutes early.
  • If you wear ________, they will protect your eyes from the sun.
  • Fill in the gap with a determiner: Now ________ people than before will ask guests to remove their shoes.
    Now more people than before will ask guests to remove their shoes.
  • Sentence Unscramble: go-karting. / a helmet / You / when / wear / have to / you are
    You have to wear a helmet when you are go-karting.
  • Use a determiner to say this sentence: Nine out of ten people like to drink coffee in the morning.
    Most people like to drink coffee in the morning.
  • Fill in the gap with a determiner: Don’t spend too _____ money!
    Don’t spend too much money!
  • Make a sentence using the present continuous to describe future plans: They / visit their grandma / Sunday morning
    They are going to visit their grandma on Sunday morning. They are visiting their grandma on Sunday morning.
  • Make a sentence using the present continuous to describe future plans: You / go swimming / after school
    You are going to go swimming after school. You are going swimming after school.
  • Unscramble the Sentence: tomorrow. / my dog / to / the park / taking / We / are
    We are taking my dog to the park tomorrow.
  • If I ______ my homework early tonight, I ____ ___skateboarding with my friends. (finish, go)
    If I finish my homework early tonight, I'll go skateboarding with my friends. (finish, go)
  • If they ____ _____on time, we ___ _____ without them. (not arrive, leave)
    If they don't arrive on time, we'll leave without them.
  • If you wear a ________ , it will keep you warm.
    jacket/coat/scarf/hat etc
  • If it _____ ___this afternoon, we ____ ____the mountains. (not rain, visit)
    If it doesn't rain this afternoon, we'll visit the mountains.
  • If you wear ________, they will keep your hands warm
  • What does the word 'interested' mean? Use it in a sentence.
    when you want to listen carefully to what people say
  • What does the word 'gift' mean? Use it in a sentence.
    something you give to someone; a present
  • What does the word 'polite' mean? Use it in a sentence.
    for example, when you say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
  • Make a sentence using the present continuous to describe future plans: He / play badminton / Wednesday
    He is playing Badminton on Wednesday/He is going to play Badminton on Wednesday.
  • Sentence Unscramble: mustn’t / the track / leave / You / because someone / get hurt. / could
    You mustn’t leave the track because someone could get hurt.
  • Fill in the gap with a determiner: The girls in my class like golf ______ than the boys.
    The girls in my class like golf more than the boys.
  • Make a sentence using the present continuous to describe future plans: I / go to the movies / Friday evening
    I'm going to go to the movies on Friday evenning./I'm going to the movies on Friday evening. 
  • What does the word 'guest' mean? Use it in a sentence.
    someone who visits you in your home
  • Unscramble the Sentence: doing / We’re / our homework / Sunday / night. / on
    We’re doing our homework on Sunday night.
  • Unscramble the Sentence: meeting / Sunday. / my parents / I’m / for lunch / on
    I’m meeting my parents for lunch on Sunday.
  • Sentence Unscramble: people. / must / careful / be / other / You / of
    You must be careful of other people.
  • What does the word 'embarrassed' mean? Use it in a sentence.
    when you feel uncomfortable and your face goes red
  • Make a sentence using the present continuous to describe future plans: We / have coffee with friends / Saturday
    We are having coffee with friends on Saturday/We are going to have coffee with friends on Saturday.
  • If you put on ________, the sun won’t burn you.
  • If you wear a _______ , it will keep your head safe.
  • What does the word 'host' mean? Use it in a sentence.
    someone who invites people to their home
  • Make a sentence using the present continuous to describe future plans: . She / do yoga /tomorrow
    She is going to do yoga tomorrow/She is doing yoga tomorrow.
  • If you ___ _____for school, the teacher_____ ____happy. (be, not be)
    If you're late for school, the teacher won't be happy.
  • Fill in the gap with a determiner: _______ of the students in my class like skateboarding. Only one student doesn’t
    Most of the students in my class like skateboarding. Only one student doesn’t