
Digital Trails (2nd grade)

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  • Something that lasts forever is ______.
    two seconds
    one second
  • When you are online, is it safe to tell people where you live?
  • What is something that is OKAY to share online?
    where you live
    information about your family
    your birthdate / age
    your interests
  • What is something you should NOT share online?
    Sports you play
    Your favorite song
    Your kindness
    What school you go to
  • Information about you that can be used to identify who you are is _____ _________.
    public information
    private information
    free information
    fake information
  • What is something you should NOT share online?
    your favorite sport
    your favorite food
    Your full name
    your shoe size
  • A record of what you do online, including the sites you visit and the things you share is your ____ _______
    railroad tracks
    birth certificate
    digital footprint
    animal tracks
  • What is OKAY to share online?
    Pictures of your house
    Pictures of your pet
    Pictures of your family
    your passwords
  • When you are online, should you tell people (that you don't know) what school you go to?
  • What is something you should NOT share online?
    Your address
    your favorite joke
    your favorite song
    your favorite color
  • When you are online, is it safe to tell people what kind of ice cream you like?
  • When you are online, is it okay to teach other people new things?
  • When you are online, should you tell other people that you are going on vacation?
  • Can pictures that you post online be easily reshared by others?
  • Is it OK to share your password with your best friend?
  • What will you be sure to NOT share online?
    your favorite team
    your hobbies
    your full name
    your favorite snack
  • A path or a track that someone can follow is a _______.
  • What is something you should NOT share online?
    Your phone number
    Your kindness
    Your best riddle
    Your favorite animal
  • True or false... Your digital footprint is permanent.
  • What is something that is okay to share online?
    your hobbies
    your address
    the name of your school
    your phone number
  • When you are online, is it ok to tell people what games you like to play?
  • What will you be sure to NOT share online?
    your address
    your favorite animal
    what colors you do not like
    what foods you do not like
  • Who is it okay to share your passwords with?
    whoever pays you $10
    trusted adults
    your best friend
  • When you are online, is it safe to tell people what sports you play?
  • Should you post pictures of other people without asking them first?