
BOT 105 Practice Exam #1

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  • How many daughter cells does meiosis produce, what ploidy do they have, and what is unique about them?
    Four genetically unique haploid cells (gametes)
  • What is unique about the life cycle of Rhodophyta?
    It is triphasic meaning there is an alternation of two diploid or sporophyte generations (3 total).
  • What is the storage product of heterokonts?
  • What phase of meiosis does random assortment occur?
    Metaphase I
  • True or False: There are only multicellular brown alga
  • What are the names of the male and female gametangium in water molds?
    Antheridium(a) and Oogonium(a)
  • What phyla fall under the Viridiplantae descriptor?
    Chlorophytes and Embryophytes
  • Which phase of mitosis is shown?
  • What is the function of the pores in a diatom's frustule?
    Gas and nutrient exchange
  • What do you call the point at which chromosomes touch during crossing over?
  • What are thylakoids?
    Photosynthetic membranes in the chloroplast stacked in grana.
  • Define synapomorphy.
    A shared derived trait.
  • How would you define a polyphyletic group?
    A group consisting of two or more taxa with separate common ancestors.
  • What is the difference between parasitism and being saprophytic?
    Parasitism = Feeding on a living host                    Saprophytic = Consuming dead organic matter from plants or animals
  • True or False: Prokaryotes are larger than Eukaryotes
  • This cladistic descriptor means a uniquely derived character.
  • At what stage are the chromosomes doubled in meiosis and mitosis?
    During the DNA synthesis phase of interphase (S phase)
  • What is the name of roundly shaped bacteria?
  • What are three source of genetic variation in meiosis?
    1.) Crossing over in Prophase I 2.)Random Fusion of Gametes From Different Parents                  3.) Random Assortment of Chromosomes
  • What is the ploidy of a carpospore and what does it form in red algae?
    Diploid, Tetrasporophyte
  • A cell has 15 chromosomes at G1 phase of Interphase, how many does it have at G2?
    30 Chromosomes
  • How would you define a monophyletic group?
    AKA clade, it is the group that includes a common ancestor and all of its descendants.
  • What are advantages for sexual reproduction? Disadvantages?
    Pros: Genetic diversity in offspring, less likely to be wiped out by disease, more stable populations, etc.
  • What is the name of this structure found in the fucus life cycle? What does it house?
    Conceptacle, contains reproductive organs
  • In the spirogyra life cycle, what does the fusing of gametes form and what does this become in mature cells?
    Zygospore, vegetative fillament
  • What defines a true chloroplast?
    Double membrane bound organelle with stacked thylakoids and no phycobilisomes.
  • Spirogyra and coleochaete are in the same sub class of green algae and have the same life cycle. What are they?
    Streptophyta and haplontic life cycle
  • This group consists of a common ancestor but not all descendants.
    Paraphyletic group
  • What does a phenotype express?
    Observable characteristics of an individual
  • Which type of gamete is shown below?
  • Which protists are classified as heterokonts?
    Diatoms and brown algae
  • What was the second organelle to develop from primary endosymbiosis?
  • What cladistic group do diatoms fall under?
    Monophyletic/ Clade
  • What is unique about the crustose coralline red algae?
    It is the deepest growing alga at a depth of 820 feet, which is 300 feet deeper than any other photosynthetic organism.
  • In phylum Rhodophyta, what is present instead of plasmodesmata?
    Pit plugs - they connect cells together which reduces extracellular travel
  • Name three characteristics or functions of Mitochondria
    Cellular respiration, Double membrane bound, Production of ATP (Powerhouse of cell)
  • What are the three pillars that make up modern systematics?
    Scientific method, evolution, classification of biodiversity
  • What is the storage carbohydrate for green alga?
  • True or False: Akinetes are found in eukaryotic Cyanobacteria
  • What are the phycobilisome pigment proteins?
    Phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, and allophycocyanin
  • What are the phases of Interphase?
    G1, S, G2, and meiosis/mitosis
  • Clades or taxa that share an immediate common ancestor.
    Sister Taxa
  • What are the two types of flagella in biflagellated sperm?
    Tinsel flagellum (long/hairy) and Whiplash flagellum (short/smooth)
  • What are separated during metaphase I? What about metaphase II?
    Homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids
  • This grouping comes from the development of a trait or character that is found in two species who do not share a common ancestor.
  • What is symplesiomorphy?
    Shared ancestral character/trait
  • What is the heterocyst involved with?
    Nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria
  • What happens during prophase I that contributes to genetic diversity?
    Crossing over
  • Which component of DNA is associated with "Beads on a String"?
  • Which phyla and type of life cycle is represented?
    Rhodophyta - Diplohaplontic
  • What is the correct pairings for the following: Oospores, zoospores, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction
    Oospores - sexual reproduction                                         Zoospores - asexual reproduction
  • How do diatoms reproduce and what is their life cycle?
    Asexual mitotic reproduction with a diplontic life cycle
  • What is the storage carbohydrate for Oomycota?
  • This bacteria morphology is pill shaped
  • What is unique about the Oomycota life cycle?
    It utilizes both sexual and asexual reproduction
  • What do you call the filamentous body plan of Oomycota? What are the filaments made of?
    Mycelium, Hyphae
  • What is the reserve carbohydrate in Rhodophyta?
    Floridean starch
  • What type of life cycle does fucus have?
  • What is the process of conjugation in Spirogyra?
    Asexual reproduction involving two neighboring cells.
  • This bacteria morphology is characterized by a spiral shape