
Early Native American People

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  • This was the largest settlement of the mound builders, located in present day Illinois.
  • This is a brick made of mud
  • These tribes settled in the north western coast and developed a way of life that used resources from forest and sea
    Tlingit, Haida, Chinook
  • These people farmed in the mountains of what is now Georgia and the Carolinas.
  • These people settled in the Great Basin between the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains. They traveled in search for food so they only set up temporary shelters.
    Ute and Shoshone
  • These tribes were descendants of the Anasazi. They built homes from adobe.
    Hopi, Acoma, Zuni
  • These people farmed the bottomlands in what is now Mississippi.
  • These tribes settled in the Great Plains and were skilled horseback riders.
    Comanche and Dakota
  • These people settled in the northernmost part of North America. They built igloos and made clothes from fur and sealskin.
  • These tribes settled in the plateau region between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. They fished the rivers and hunted and gathered in the forest.
    Nez Perce and Yakima
  • These people lived in the area known as the 4 corners and built stone dwellings called pueblos.
    The Anasazi
  • These people lived in loosely knit farming communities in present day Georgia and Alabama.
  • These people lived in the woodlands of North America and formed complex political systems to govern their nations.
    Iroquois and Cherokee
  • A long period without rainfall
  • These hunters and gathers settled in the Southwest in the 1500s.
    Apache and Navajo
  • These people lived in present day Arizona and were experts and getting water from the soil.
    The Hohokam
  • How many Iroquois nations were there?