
Review Look 2 - Units 8 and 9

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  • ____ the monkeys ____ (hug)? Yes, they are.
    Are the monkeys hugging?
  • A hippo is ______ (big) than a dog.
    A hippo is bigger than a dog.
  • Giraffes are taller ______ people.
    Giraffes are taller than people.
  • Compare using 'fast': zebra or turtle?
    The zebra is faster than the turtle.
  • What ____ he _____ (do)? He's crying.
    What is he doing?
  • Elephants are bigger ____ monkeys.
    Elephants are bigger than monkeys.
  • What ____ the zebra _____ (do)? It's running.
    What's the zebra doing?
  • Is the dog dancing?
    No, it isn't.
  • _____________? Yes, it is.
    Is the hippo eating?
  • What's he doing?
    He's eating chicken.
  • ____ the tiger ____ (drink) water? Yes, it is.
    Is the tiger drinking water?
  • What _____ the dogs ____ (do)? They're running.
    What are the dogs doing?
  • What are you doing now?
    I am studying English. / I am answering questions.
  • Compare using 'small': bee and lizard
    A bee is smaller than a lizard.
  • What's she doing?
    She's taking a photo.
  • Compare using 'slow': ant and snake
    An ant is slower than a snake.
  • ____ the elephants ____ (swim)? No, they aren't.
    Are the elephants swimming?
  • Compare using 'old': you and your dad
    My dad is older than me.
  • What is he doing?
    He's drinking some juice.
  • ____ the zebra _____ (run)? Yes, it is.
    Is the zebra running?
  • What are they doing?
    They're dancing.
  • Is the giraffe eating?
    Yes, it is.
  • What's he doing?
    He's listening to music.