
USHA Unit 7 Quiz Review

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  • This was declared in 1863 by President Lincoln - it freed slaves in Confederate territory.
    Emancipation Proclamation
  • What significant event followed the Election of 1860?
    Southern states began to secede from the Union
  • This was the location of the first battle of the Civil War.
    Fort Sumter
  • Which Amendment abolished slavery in the United States?
    13th Amendment
  • Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of newly freed black slaves.
    Black Codes
  • This is the location of the Confederate surrender in 1865.
    Appomattox Court House
  • "Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation" is from...
    The Emancipation Proclamation
  • Jefferson Davis was the commander of the Union army. True or False?
    False! It was Ulysses S. Grant
  • The overall time period for Reconstruction is from 1865 - 1877. True or False?
  • The Compromise of 1877 included the removal of federal troops from the South ending Reconstruction. True or False?
  • Lincoln's original goal at the beginning of the Civil War was to what?
    Preserve the Union
  • This was the Union's plan to take control of the Mississippi River and other seaports to slowly force the Confederacy into defeat.
    The Anaconda Plan
  • This person was a former slave who became a well known abolitionist.
    Frederick Douglass
  • The primary economic activity of the South prior to the Civil War was manufacturing. True or False?
  • Political Party that favored harsh punishment of Southern states after the Civil War.
    Radical Republicans
  • This amendment prohibits the gov't from denying anyone the right to vote based on race, color or previous servitude.
    15th Amendment
  • Native American policies were the main reason for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. True or False?
    False! It was over Reconstruction Policies
  • Which Union general led the March to the Sea, destroying everything in South Carolina and Georgia all the way to Savannah?
    General William Tecumseh Sherman
  • Congress passed the Civil Rights Act because it gave African Americans rights denied by states' black codes. True or False?
  • This Civil War battle was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War and a victory for Union forces.
    The Battle of Antietam
  • Under Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan, 10% of each state's voters had to swear allegiance to the US before the state could rejoin the Union. True or False?
  • Many women's groups objected to the 15th amendment because it did not include women in the voting population. True or False?
  • This principle states that a person can't be held in prison without first being charged for a crime.
    Habeas Corpus
  • What was the first state to secede from the Union?
    South Carolina
  • This Civil War battle was a Union victory, led the Union to control the Mississippi and split the Confederacy.
    The Battle of Vicksburg
  • United States actor and assassin of President Lincoln.
    John Wilkes Booth
  • This battle in 1863 was a Union victory and considered a turning point in the Civil War.
    The Battle of Gettysburg
  • This amendment granted citizenship to anyone born in the US including former slaves and provided equal protection of the laws.
    14th Amendment
  • Providing food and medical care to those in need in the south was a goal of the Freedman's Bureau. True or False?
    True! Also provided legal advice, established schools and helped find work.
  • The withdrawal of federal troops from the south marked the end of Reconstruction. True or False?
  • Under Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, all southerners except high ranking Confederate officials would be pardoned. True or False?
  • Lincoln's reconstruction plan wanted to rebuild the south politically, socially and economically. True or False?