
Periodic Trends

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  • With the exception of helium, how many valence electrons do all noble gas elements have?
  • What is the group/family name for column 1 (1A) of the periodic table?
    alkali metals
  • Which atom would require more energy to remove a valence electron, lithium or cesium?
  • How many valence electrons does an oxygen atom have?
  • How many energy levels does an aluminum atom have?
  • Which atom would require more energy to remove a valence electron, sodium or sulfur?
  • What are the horizontal rows of the Periodic Table called?
  • What are valence electrons?
    electrons in the outermost energy level/shell
  • Ionization energy (increases or decreases) as you move down a group/family and (increases or decreases) as you move across a period from left to right.
    Ionization energy DECREASES as you move down a group/family and INCREASES as you move across a period from left to right.
  • Atomic radius (increases or decreases) as you move down a group/family and (increases or decreases) as you move across a period from left to right.
    Atomic radius INCREASES as you move down a group/family and DECREASES as you move across a period from left to right.
  • What does the group/family that an element is in tell you about its atomic structure?
    the number of valence electrons (electrons in the outermost energy level/shell)
  • The periodic trend that describes the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom is ...
    electron affinity
    atomic radius
    ionization energy
  • How many valence electrons does a magnesium atom have?
  • Electron affinity (increases or decreases) as you move down a group/family and (increases or decreases) as you move across a period from left to right.
    Electron affinity DECREASES as you move down a group/family and INCREASES as you move across a period from left to right.
  • What does the period that an element is in tell you about its atomic structure?
    the number of energy levels
  • What element is the most electronegative element on the Periodic Table of Elements?
  • What is the group/family name for column 2 (2A) of the periodic table?
    alkaline earth metals
  • The periodic trend that describes the amount of energy released when an atom gains an electron is ...
    atomic size
    electron affinity
    ionization energy
  • Nonmetals tend to (gain or lose) electrons to obtain a full set of valence electrons and become stable.
  • Electronegativity (increases or decreases) as you move down a group/family and (increases or decreases) as you move across a period from left to right.
    Electronegativity DECREASES as you move down a group/family and INCREASES as you move across a period from left to right.
  • Which atom is larger, potassium or bromine?
  • The periodic trend that describes the relative size of the atom is ...
    electron affinity
    atomic radius
    ionization energy
  • What are the vertical columns of the Periodic Table called?
    group(s)/ family(families)
  • Nonmetals are located on the (left or right) side of the periodic table?
  • Why do electronegativity and ionization energy increase as you move across a period from left to right?
    the increasing number of protons causes a greater electromagnetic attraction between the protons & electrons, making it more difficult to remove electrons
  • Which element is more electronegative nitrogen or bromine?
    nitrogen (remember when elements are equidistant from fluorine the one with less energy levels is more electronegative)
  • Why does the atomic size decrease as you move across a period from left to right?
    the increasing number of protons causes a greater electromagnetic attraction between the protons & electrons, pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus
  • Which element is larger magnesium or calcium? why?
    calcium because it has more energy levels