
Robinson Crusoe chapter 1 to 4

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  • What is this?
    A ship
  • What was his plan to escape the island?
    He built a boat
  • What was the problem with the boat Robinson built?
    It was too heavy to move.
  • Did Robinson always stay in the same part of the island or did he also explore other areas?
    He explored other areas
  • What happened to Robinson's ship?
    It hit a sanbank
  • What did Robinson do after exploring the coast of the island?
    He made a map
  • What was Robinson's profession?
    He was a sailor
  • How did Robinson get to the island?
    He swam
  • What 3 fruit and cereal did Robinson eat?
    corn, grapes and oranges
  • Where did Robinson navigate to?
    To Africa
  • How did Robinson measure (calculate) time?
    He wrote a diary and marked a pole
  • What animal is it? What did he do with it?
    A parrot. He talked to it.
  • Was Robinson a good student at school?
  • How did Robinson feel after some years on the island?
    He felt lonely
  • Which animals did he hunt?
    Birds and goats