
E/O 4

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  • a form that you complete in order to apply for a job
    application form
  • a set of classes at university
    university course
  • exam that you take to be accepted into a school, etc
    entrance exams
  • when you work/study only for the part of the day
    part-time job/course
  • do what somebody suggest
    take advice
  • a series of lessons to teach the skills and knowledge for a particular job or activity
    training course
  • the way that you progress in your work, either in one job or in a series of jobs
    career path
  • have a test
    take exams
  • not to hurry
    take time
  • a level of something
  • a number of years you did a particular job
    work experience
  • begin (a hobby)
    take up
  • when you work/study for the whole day
    full-time job/course
  • happen
    take place
  • an amount of money that you pay in order to be allowed into a cinema, theatre, etc.
    entrance fees