
Digestive System

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  • What fluid does your liver produce?
  • What does bile do?
    breaks fats into smaller molecules
  • In which section of the small intestine are more juices added to the chyme?
  • What are the three parts of your small intestine?
    duodenum, jejunum, and ilium
  • What type of nutrient is absorbed by the blood in the large intestine?
  • What are two other names we can use to refer to the digestive tract?
    alimentary canal / gastrointestinal tract
  • What are enzymes?
    molecules that speed up chemical reactions
  • What is another name for your mouth?
    Oral cavity
  • TRUE/FALSE: the tongue is a muscle.
  • Saliva contains enzymes called ______________ and it's responsible for the beginning of __________ digestion.
    salivary amylase / chemical
  • What do your salivary glands do?
    Produce saliva (aka SPIT)
  • Pepsin is an enzyme that breaks down: ___________ & _____________
    proteins and fats
  • What mixture is created when the food and gastric juices are mixed?
  • Where are the salivary glands?
    under your tongue
  • When food is passed through the esophagus, where does it go?
  • What does your food mix with when it enters the stomach?
    Gastric juices
  • Which organ sends enyzmes to the small intestive through the pancreatic duct?
  • Where is bile stored?
    gall bladder
  • Saliva breaks down ____________ into simple ______________ when chemical digestion begins.
    starches / sugars
  • Why do we need the mucus in our stomachs?
    protects the stomach walls from the strong acids and enzymes
  • Where can we find hydrochloric acid and what is it responsible for?
    stomach / breaks down proteins
  • What are the 5 organs of the digestive tract?
    mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
  • The process in which your teeth tear and grind your food is called...?
    Mechanical digestion
  • How much saliva do you make every day?
    2-3 pints
  • How long is an adult's SMALL intestine?
    about 21+ feet long
  • How many sets of salivary glands do we have?
  • What two things does your tongue help you do?
    move the food around and helps you taste with taste buds
  • Gastric juices are composed of which THREE juices?
    enzymes, acids, and mucus
  • What three things are broken down by pancreatic enzymes?
    carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
  • TRUE/FALSE: you can control the movement of your esophagus.
  • Bile is responsible for breaking down which nutrient?