
All About Esther

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  • Who did Mordecai refuse to bow down to?
  • What was the name of Esther's cousin?
  • True or False: Without hesitation Esther agreed to go to the king to save her people
  • Why was Esther given favor by Hegai?
    Esther's beauty won her Hegai's favor and she was given special attention
  • Queen Esther and Mordecai were given what once Haman's plot was revealed?
    Queen Esther and Mordecai were given Haman's estate. They were honored with royal garments and a decree was written to protect all Jews.
  • Who was put in charge of preparing the women for meeting the king?
  • Why did the king want to reward Mordecai?
    Because Mordecai exposed the plot to assassinate the king
  • True or False Queen Ester was not a Jew
  • What was Haman's plan the morning before the banquet?
    Haman was still so enraged with Mordecai that he went to set up a pole to impale Mordecai the morning before the banquet.
  • Esther responded by instructing all Jews to do what and for how long?
    Join her in fasting for three days and three nights
  • What two guards conspired to assassinate King Xerxes?
    Bigthana and Teresh
  • What did Queen Esther plan after the fast?
    Queen Ester asked that the king and Haman join her at a banquet the next day.
  • Why did King Xerxes get angry with Queen Vashti?
    Queen Vashti refused to be paraded before everyone
  • Haman became enraged with anger and wanted to kill who?
    Mordecai and all of the Jewish nation
  • Haman was the highest of all ______?
  • How did the King find out about the plot to have him killed?
    Mordecai told Queen Esther of the plan and Esther told the king, giving credit to Mordecai for overhearing the plan.
  • Why did Mordecai instruct Esther to continue to hide her Jewish background?
    Because he knew it would be dangerous for her if anyone found out she was a Jew.
  • King Ahasuerus was also referred to as?
    King Xerxes