
Gravity Assessment Review

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  • Waves transfer ________ not matter
  • Why don't the planets orbit in a circle?
    An ellipse causes BALANCE. (Everything is trying to find balance in space)
  • What is stage 2 of the formation of a universe?
    A protostar begins to form in the center
  • More mass = ______ gravity
  • The nebular hypothesis is the theory of how the _____________ formed
    Solar System
  • Let's say an asteroid is floating equal distance between Neptune and a black hole. Which way would the asteroid gravitate towards?
    Black hole
  • Why does the moon orbit the Earth and not the Sun?
    It is closer to Earth's gravitational field
  • The amount of “stuff” in an object
  • What is stage 3 to formation of a universe?
    Protoplanets form
  • True or False: Space Bends due to objects with mass
  • Why is everything a sphere in space?
    Gravity acting equally on all sides
  • What is the minimum speed required to escape a planet's gravitational pull?
    Escape Velocity
  • What is a cloud of gas and dust that gathers due to gravity? (Stage 1)
  • What shape do the planets orbit in around the sun in our solar system?
  • Which has the most gravity? An asteroid, a planet, a sun/star, a black hole?
    Black hole
  • Which bends space more? Higher mass objects or lower mass objects?
    Higher Mass
  • Why are asteroids not a perfect sphere?
    They do not have enough mass to squish them into a sphere by gravity
  • How many stages are there in the formation of the universe?
  • What is the last stage of the formation of the universe - where the force of gravity attracts more and more materials, going faster and faster (Vocab Word)
  • The force by which a planet or other object draws objects near it
  • What was Einstein's theory called about space being like a sheet of fabric?
    Theory of Relativity
  • The distance light can travel in 1 earth year
    Light Year
  • How many mm (millimeters) in ONE cm (centimeter)
    10 mm
  • Einstein claimed that space is like ____________________ (Theory of Relativity)
    A sheet of fabric
  • The distance between the sun and Earth is 1 of these
    1 AU