
Gold Experience A2 Review Unit 1 & 2

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  • I use my ____ to search for words in different languages.
    translator app
  • Question, present simple: you / have / a hobby?
    Do you have a hobby?
  • Our teacher is great. She always MAKES / DOES us laugh.
  • chatting / online / Harry / to his grandpa / is
    Harri is chattin online to his grandpa.
  • are / their own website/ making / Oliver and Joshua
    Oliver and Joshua are making their own website.
  • My sister's hobby is READING / CAMPING. She loves being outdoors.
  • Do you know how MANY / MUCH people go to the camara club?
  • Question, present simple: your dad / read / books in his free time?
    Does your dad read books in his free time?
  • My sister's making a ____ and trying different webcams.
    video diary
  • Liam loves the guitar, but he doesn't have MANY / MUCH time to practise.
  • are / their school work / the children / on the computer / doing
    The children are doing their school work on the computer.
  • Does Lilly have MANY / MUCH DVDs at home?
  • I always ___ a cake for my friend's birthday.
  • Charlotte enjoys _____. She always has a pencil and paper with her.
  • My brother COLLECTS / PLAYS football every Sunday.
  • Question, present simple: you and your friends / like / dancing?
    Do you and your friends like dancing?
  • Mark can't hear you. He 'S WEARING / WEARS his headphones.
    's wearing
  • Present simple: I ____ (not read) comics, but I enjo reading books.
    don't read
  • Present simple: Ben ____ (make) fantastic food. He's really good at cooking.
  • My little brother loves _____, even when he doesn't catch any fish!
  • Question, present simple: you / usually / see / your friends on Sundays?
    Do you usually see your friends on Sundays?
  • Question, present continuous: What / he / do / on his laptop?
    What is he doing on his laptop?
  • Do you like my new _____ camera? It takes great photos.
  • They don't have MANY / MUCH music on their laptop.
  • I have an ____ for Sarah¡s party next week. I can't wait!
  • Question, present continuous: who / you / send / an email to?
    Who are you sending an email to?
  • Daniel loves his new music ____. He can share music with his friends.
  • The part of a computer where you can see images is a ____
  • We usually _____ to the cinema on Friday night.
  • Anna and Mario didn't have MANY / MUCH fun at the dance class.
  • Question, present continouos: You / use / this computer?
    Are you using this computer?
  • The thing you use to type words on a computer is a ____.
  • Adam loves ____ . He's got lots of books
  • I don't think the dog is ____. It's beautiful.
  • My brother loves _____. His pictures are always full of different colours.
  • I 'M ALWAYS TALKING / ALWAYS TAKE my digital camera on holiday.
    always take
  • Sara is a _____. She posts online every week about the films she watches.
  • 're / you / on the correct link / clicking / not
    You're not clicking on the correct link.
  • Question, present simple: your mum / play / video games?
    Does your mum play video games?
  • My cousin _____ comics. He's got over 200 comics now,
  • I love shopping, but I don't have MANY / MUCH money.
  • Present simple: Rosa ___ (go) to dance lessonbs.
  • at the moment / I / not / the laptop / 'm / using
    I'm not using the laptop at the moment.
  • How MANY / MUCH free time do you have every week?
  • I can't see Marley. He's standing ____ a tree.
  • Elle loves to LISTEN / READING to music in her free time.
  • Present simple: My brother ____ (not like) baking.
    doesn't like
  • Present simple: Joshua ____ (have) lots of different musical instruments.
  • I often ___ to my TV
    stream films
  • Question, present continouos: Mr Smith / teach / you / technology?
    Is Mr Smith teaching you technology?
  • My favourite hobby is BAKING / SINGING. I love to make cakes.
  • We often go _____ for our holiday. We have a really big tent.
  • Present simple: Maisy and Ella ___ (not enjoy) drawing.
    don't enjoy
  • Question, present simple: you / often / go/ to the cinema with your family?
    Do you often go to the cinema with your family?
  • Do they have MANY / MUCH hobbies?
  • Ben's project won the science COMPETITION / INVITATION.
  • We always listen to the ____ in Dad's car, It's so boring! I prefer my music.
  • I'm sitting ____ my two best friends. Liam's on my right and Ella's on my left.
  • The thing you use to make copies of your work is a___
    photocopier, printer
  • Question. present continuous: she / talk / on her phone?
    Is she talking on her phone?
  • My cousin and I ___every day using social media.
    message each other
  • Thousands of people ARE VISITING / VISIT this website every day.
  • I ____ the guitar in a band at school.
  • My dad checks the football scores on the ____ on his phone.
    sports news app
  • I 'M USING / USE my sister's tablet today bacause I don't have one.
    'm using
  • A video camera that you find on a computer is a ___.
  • Question, present continuous: Which website / they / look at?
    Which website are they looking at?
  • That's my mum over there. She 'S SPEAKING / SPEAKS on her phone.
    's speaking
  • starting / 's / a weekly vlog / she / about dance
    She's starting a weekly vlog about dance.
  • We 'RE HAVING / HAVE a computer class every Tuesday morning.
  • The things you put on your ears to listen to music are___.