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  • How much did he way?
    18 Kilograms
  • Why do many people love cats?
    They are cute, funny and very interesting.
  • What is the order: heavy/meals/and/eating/firstly/avoid/greasy/or/foods/before/spicy/and/during/travel
    Firstly, avoid eating heavy meals and greasy or spicy foods before or during travel.
  • When was "operate" first used?
  • Define operate
    to perform a function / exert power or  influence
  • Where was the animal shelter
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Fill in the blank: She should get some fresh air to _______ her motion sickness. a)sickness b) chewing gum c) ease
    c) ease
  • Why was he moved to an animal shelter?
    His owners couldn take care of him.
  • explain this quote "Experience is the teacher of all things."
    You learn when you do or experience something
  • Order: open/fourthly/a/window/some/fresh/and/get/air
    Fourthly, open a windo and get some fresh air.
  • When did he die?
    May 5, 2012
  • Explain the phrase "spill the beans"
    Tell me the story / secret
  • What colour is a life jacket?
  • Name a type of boat?
  • what do you wear to stay safe while sailing?
    Wear a life jacket
  • Name 3 synonyms for "multinational"
    foreign, international, and transnational
  • Define "multinational"
    of or relating to more than two nationalities
  • What did they hope for him?
    They hoped someone would adopt him if he was skinny.
  • What is the name of the fattest cat in the world?
    His name is Meow.
  • Why did he die?
    He had trouble breathing
  • When was "multinational first used?
  • Name 3 things you will find on a yacht?
    Life jackets, mast, rope
  • Name 3 synonyms for "operate"
    handle, run and work
  • Find a quote by Julius Caesar
    "Experience is the teacher of all things."
  • How can we stop climate change? (choose 2) 1) Walk, cycle or take public transport, 2) have more pets, 3) Save energy at home (turn off lights)
    1 and 3
  • Whay did they do to help the fat cat lose weight?
    They put him on a diet.