
Michał_Warm up questions

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  • Adam managed to eat a big lunch despite having eaten an enormous sausage with cheese
  • Pracowałem zanim tutaj przyszedłem.
    I had been working before I came here.
  • .......... the traffic was bad, we arrived on time.
  • dry cleaner
    pralnia chemiczna
  • .......... ............ of the rain, we had a good time.
    In spite
  • What book would you like to live in?
  • I didn't apply for the job in spite of ............... the qualifications.
  • W samą porę, w ostatniej chwili
    In the nick of time
  • Nie ma sprawy
    Fine by me
  • She wasn't well, but .................... this she continued working.
  • If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?
  • vendor
  • I didn't apply for the job despite ...... ........... I had qualifications.
    the fact
  • Żadna restauracja nie jest droga
    Neither restaurant is expensive.
  • cross
  • E.... window in the house was open. (= all the windows in the house)
  • distracted
  • None of the rooms are the same. E... room .......... different.
    Each room is
  • Would you rather speak all languages or be able to talk with animals?
    Adam's own answer
  • There were four books on the table. E... book w.. a diff erent colour.